The Western New York Association of Diabetes Educators is a growing organization, and we look forward to welcoming new members in 2024. Click here to complete the new member registration form.
Membership Levels:
Active Member shall be a healthcare professional with an interest in the development, delivery or administration of diabetes patient or professional education or in diabetes research. An Active Member shall have all the privileges of membership, which include the right to vote, to make nominations, to stand for elective office and to chair, serve and vote on committees.
Associate Member shall be a person with an interest or involvement in Diabetes education who does not qualify for other member categories. An Associate Member shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to stand for elective office or chair committees. An Associate Member may serve on committees and vote on committees but may not chair a committee. Due to Pharmaceutical industry regulations, there may be programs that Associate members who are not healthcare professionals are unable to attend.
Student Member shall be any individual who is not currently certified, licensed or credentialed. A Student Member shall not have the right to vote, to make nominations, or to stand for elected office. A Student Member may serve on committees and vote on committees but may not chair a committee. A student membership shall be granted for a one year period when accompanied by evidence of enrollment in a health profession program. Due to Pharmaceutical industry regulations, there may be programs that Student Members are unable to attend.
Retired No Fee
Retired Member shall be an individual who has been an active member of WNYADE for at least five (5) consecutive previous years, retired from his/her position and is no longer employed. A Retired Member shall have all the privileges of Active Membership except the right to hold elective office. A Retired Member may serve, chair or vote on committees.
Honorary No Fee
Honorary Membership may be awarded by the Board of Directors to an individual in recognition of outstanding service to the field of diabetes education. An honorary member shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote, stand for elective office, make nominations or serve on committees.